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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.mail.headers:595 comp.mail.misc:10718 comp.mail.uucp:9974 news.newusers.questions:11597 alt.internet.services:2089 news.answers:4433
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!usenet
- From: o.crepin-leblond@imperial.ac.uk (Olivier M.J. Crepin-Leblond)
- Newsgroups: comp.mail.headers,comp.mail.misc,comp.mail.uucp,news.newusers.questions,alt.internet.services,news.answers
- Subject: FAQ: Top-level international country domain names
- Supersedes: <top-level-domains_723448928@athena.mit.edu>
- Followup-To: poster
- Date: 5 Dec 1992 06:02:34 GMT
- Organization: Imperial College London, UK.
- Lines: 382
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: 18 Jan 1993 06:02:10 GMT
- Message-ID: <top-level-domains_723535330@athena.mit.edu>
- Reply-To: ocl@ic.ac.uk
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
- Summary: This posting gives a list of top-level domain names. It is helpful
- in finding-out if a country has easy access to email and internet
- facilities and is aimed at general email and internet users.
- X-Last-Updated: 1992/12/04
- Archive-name: top-level-domains
- Last-modified: 1992/12/4
- International Standard ISO 3166 Names
- Compiled by Olivier M.J. Crepin-Leblond
- email: <ocl@ic.ac.uk>
- Release: 92.12.3
- Release Note: a. I am including some domain names with a P tag.
- This is either because I have not yet been able
- to verify the validity of the domain, or that
- the domain has been provisionally accepted but
- not officially used yet or connected.
- b. New up-to-date experimental mailserver
- Every now-and-then there are enquiries on the net regarding
- email to a distant country. The question is often of the type
- "has that country got email access ?". The following table is a
- guide of top-level country names, showing the countries which have
- access to internet or general email services. The top-level country
- codes have been derived from the International Standards Organisation
- international standard ISO 3166, except for United Kingdom which should
- be called Great Britain (GB) instead of UK. The field GB is used mainly
- in the X.400 addressing of United Kingdom sites.
- 1. Description of codes:
- - FI stands for FULL INTERNET access. This includes 'telnet', 'ftp',
- and internet email.
- - B stands for BITNET access although the address may be in internet
- DNS (Domain Name System) format.
- - * (Asterisk) means that the country is reachable by email. If this is
- not preceded by FI or B, it means that the connection may be a UUCP
- connection. An asterisk is included after FI or B for continuity.
- - PFI stands for a provisional full internet connection.(+)
- - P stands for provisional connection. (+)
- (+) This is used when one or more of the following is true:
- - address not verified or lack of address
- - domain connected but not officially announced
- - premature official announcement of connection
- 2. Networks which are not included:
- Networks such as MILNET (U.S. Army) have computers all around the
- world. It is generally possible to assume that wherever there is
- a U.S. base, there will be a node reachable through gateways.
- Private company networks such as for DEC (Digital Equipment Corp.),
- or Sun Microsystems, for example, have nodes in many exotic locations.
- However the connection may take place via UUCP and cost a lot of money.
- Those networks have therefore not been included. In addition, those
- are PRIVATE networks.
- Many companies (like U.S. Sprint or Compuserve) offer commercial
- services to many countries which are not readily available on
- the Internet. The service is VERY COSTLY, usually takes place via
- UUCP or X.400 connections.
- Those types of network have not been included because email and
- network access from Internet is sometimes barred for financial reasons.
- Although a user may RECEIVE email from a user on those networks, one
- may not be able to reply to it.
- Some hobbyists have put together networks using their PCs which store
- and forward email to remote locations. This is the case of FIDONET
- users. Some FIDO nodes apparently exist throughout Africa, the Middle-
- East, etc. Those have not been included since the forwarding of email
- is to the discretion of the SYSADMINS of the forwarding systems and,
- once again, it costs money.
- 3. Updates
- The situation changes from day to day. The growth in international
- networking is such that the information contained in this document
- may be out of date by the time it reaches you.
- If you have any update (ie: knowledge that a new country is connected),
- please send a message to <ocl@ic.ac.uk>, including an example address
- from the country reached so that it can be verified.
- 4. .US sites
- While there are several hundreds of BITNET nodes in USA, none have
- a name in the format `.US'. That's why the .us domain is only FI and *.
- 5. .edu, .com, etc.
- The domains in this section are special in that some of them are
- used in more than one country. The domains which have full internet
- access are marked accordingly. However, this doesn't mean that *all*
- of those domains have full internet access. For example,
- only a small proportion of .mil sites have full internet access. The
- same is true for .com sites, for example.
- 6. Archiving
- Once released, this document is archived in a number of archive
- sites around the world. Amongst them:
- pit-manager.mit.edu ( directory: /usenet/news.answers
- ftp.uu.net ( directory: /usenet/news.answers
- lth.se ( directory: /archive2/netnews/news.answers
- unix.hensa.ac.uk ( directory: /pub/uunet/usenet/news.answers
- The up-to-date, pre-release document is also available using an
- experimental simple mail-server that I have setup from my account.
- Send email to: <ocl@ic.ac.uk> with a subject: archive-server-request
- and the command: get top-level-domains in the body of your message.
- Please use only lowercase letters.
- This server will recognise *most* addresses.
- International Standard ISO 3166 Names
- Domain Country Connection Notes
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- AD Andorra
- AE United Arab Emirates
- AF Afghanistan
- AG Antigua and Barbuda *
- AI Anguilla
- AL Albania
- AM Armenia Ex-USSR
- AN Netherland Antilles
- AO Angola
- AQ Antarctica FI *
- AR Argentina FI B *
- AS American Samoa
- AT Austria FI B *
- AU Australia FI *
- AW Aruba
- AZ Azerbaidjan Ex-USSR
- BA Bosnia-Herzegovina Ex-Yugoslavia
- BB Barbados *
- BD Bangladesh
- BE Belgium FI B *
- BF Burkina Faso
- BG Bulgaria *
- BH Bahrain B * Gulfnet
- BI Burundi
- BJ Benin
- BM Bermuda
- BN Brunei Darussalam
- BO Bolivia P
- BR Brazil FI B *
- BS Bahamas *
- BT Buthan
- BV Bouvet Island
- BW Botswana
- BY Bielorussia Ex-USSR
- BZ Belize P
- CA Canada FI B *
- CC Cocos (Keeling) Isl.
- CF Central African Rep.
- CG Congo
- CH Switzerland FI B *
- CI Ivory Coast
- CK Cook Islands
- CL Chile FI B *
- CM Cameroon
- CN China *
- CO Colombia B *
- CR Costa Rica B *
- CS Czechoslovakia FI B *
- CU Cuba
- CV Cape Verde
- CX Christmas Island
- CY Cyprus B *
- DE Germany FI B *
- DJ Djibouti
- DK Denmark FI B *
- DM Dominica
- DO Dominican Republic P
- DZ Algeria B *
- EC Ecuador FI B *
- EE Estonia FI * Ex-USSR also via .su domain
- EG Egypt B *
- EH Western Sahara
- ES Spain FI B *
- ET Ethiopia
- FI Finland FI B *
- FJ Fiji *
- FK Falkland Isl.(Malvinas)
- FM Micronesia
- FO Faroe Islands
- FR France FI B *
- FX France (European Ter.) ???
- GA Gabon
- GB Great Britain (UK) FI * X.400 address gateway
- GD Grenada
- GE Georgia Ex-USSR
- GH Ghana
- GI Gibraltar
- GL Greenland
- GP Guadeloupe (Fr.)
- GQ Equatorial Guinea
- GF Guyana (Fr.)
- GM Gambia
- GN Guinea
- GR Greece FI B *
- GT Guatemala P
- GU Guam (US)
- GW Guinea Bissau
- GY Guyana
- HK Hong Kong FI B *
- HM Heard & McDonald Isl.
- HN Honduras
- HR Croatia PFI * Ex-Yugoslavia via .yu
- HT Haiti
- HU Hungary FI B *
- ID Indonesia *
- IE Ireland FI B *
- IL Israel FI B *
- IN India FI B *
- IO British Indian O. Terr.
- IQ Iraq
- IR Iran
- IS Iceland FI *
- IT Italy FI B *
- JM Jamaica
- JO Jordan
- JP Japan FI B *
- KE Kenya
- KG Kirgistan Ex-USSR
- KH Cambodia
- KI Kiribati
- KM Comoros
- KN St.Kitts Nevis Anguilla P
- KP Korea (North)
- KR Korea (South) FI B *
- KW Kuwait PFI B * No computers for Gulfnet(B)
- KY Cayman Islands
- KZ Kazachstan Ex-USSR
- LA Laos
- LB Lebanon
- LC Saint Lucia P
- LI Liechtenstein
- LK Sri Lanka P
- LR Liberia
- LS Lesotho
- LT Lithuania * Ex-USSR
- LU Luxembourg
- LV Latvia * Ex-USSR
- LY Libya
- MA Morocco
- MC Monaco
- MD Moldavia Ex-USSR
- MG Madagascar
- MH Marshall Islands
- ML Mali
- MM Myanmar
- MN Mongolia
- MO Macau P
- MP Northern Mariana Isl.
- MQ Martinique (Fr.)
- MR Mauritania
- MS Montserrat
- MT Malta
- MU Mauritius
- MV Maldives
- MW Malawi
- MX Mexico FI B *
- MY Malaysia *
- MZ Mozambique P
- NA Namibia *
- NC New Caledonia (Fr.)
- NE Niger
- NF Norfolk Island
- NG Nigeria
- NI Nicaragua P
- NL Netherlands FI B *
- NO Norway FI B *
- NP Nepal
- NR Nauru
- NT Neutral Zone
- NU Niue
- NZ New Zealand FI *
- OM Oman
- PA Panama
- PE Peru
- PF Polynesia (Fr.)
- PG Papua New Guinea *
- PH Philippines
- PK Pakistan *
- PL Poland FI B *
- PM St. Pierre & Miquelon
- PN Pitcairn
- PT Portugal FI B *
- PR Puerto Rico (US) FI B *
- PW Palau
- PY Paraguay *
- QA Qatar
- RE Reunion (Fr.) FI * In .fr domain
- RO Romania P Future BITNET connection
- RU Russian Federation Ex-USSR
- RW Rwanda
- SA Saudi Arabia B * GulfNet
- SB Solomon Islands
- SC Seychelles
- SD Sudan
- SE Sweden FI B *
- SG Singapore FI B *
- SH St. Helena
- SI Slovenia PFI * Ex-Yugoslavia also via .yu
- SJ Svalbard & Jan Mayen Is
- SL Sierra Leone
- SM San Marino
- SN Senegal
- SO Somalia
- SR Suriname
- ST St. Tome and Principe
- SU Soviet Union FI B * Still used.
- SV El Salvador
- SY Syria
- SZ Swaziland
- TC Turks & Caicos Islands
- TD Chad
- TF French Southern Terr.
- TG Togo
- TH Thailand FI *
- TJ Tadjikistan Ex-USSR
- TK Tokelau
- TM Turkmenistan Ex-USSR
- TN Tunisia FI B *
- TO Tonga
- TP East Timor
- TR Turkey B *
- TT Trinidad & Tobago
- TV Tuvalu
- TW Taiwan FI B *
- TZ Tanzania
- UA Ukraine * Ex-USSR via .su domain
- UG Uganda
- UK United Kingdom FI B * ISO 3166 code is GB
- UM US Minor outlying Isl.
- US United States FI * .us sites NOT on BITNET (4)
- UY Uruguay *
- UZ Uzbekistan Ex-USSR
- VA Vatican City State
- VC St.Vincent & Grenadines P
- VE Venezuela *
- VG Virgin Islands (British)
- VI Virgin Islands (US)
- VN Vietnam
- VU Vanuatu
- WF Wallis & Futuna Islands
- WS Samoa
- YE Yemen
- YU Yugoslavia FI B * Bitnet not at the moment
- ZA South Africa FI *
- ZM Zambia
- ZR Zaire
- ZW Zimbabwe *
- See Note [5] for the next fields:
- ARPA Old style Arpanet * alias still works !!!
- COM Commercial FI *
- EDU Educational FI B *
- GOV Government FI *
- INT International field FI * used by Nato
- MIL US Military FI *
- NATO Nato field * being replaced by .int
- NET Network FI *
- ORG Non-Profit OrganizationFI *
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- DISCLAIMER: while every effort is made to provide accurate information,
- this list is not guaranteed to be accurate. This document is in NO WAY
- an official document. The information given should not be used as a basis
- for routing tables but only as general end-user information. This is a
- voluntary effort. I would appreciate greatly if errors/omissions could
- be pointed out to me and they would be corrected in the next release.
- The information included in this document implies no view whatsoever
- regarding questions of sovereignty or the status of any place listed.
- Affiliation to Imperial College is given for identification purposes only.
- --
- Olivier M.J. Crepin-Leblond, Digital Comms. Section, Elec. Eng. Department
- Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BT, UK
- Internet/Bitnet: <foobar@ic.ac.uk> - Janet: <foobar@uk.ac.ic>